Top 16 Tips on What to Look For When Choosing a Childcare Centre!

Parents of many, finding the perfect childcare facility can cause many emotions. You are leaving the most important child in your life in the care of someone else. It doesn't need to be this way. Children's care can be a unique space that encourages and supports the growth of children. It is a place to foster learning, development, and growth via play and interaction with other children. It's like a home far from home selecting the right childcare service is an essential element of the parents' lives.

Before you start looking to find the best childcare facility, consider the reason you're seeking childcare in the first place. This will assist you in guiding you towards the best kind of care.

The type of care offered may vary based on your goals. If, for instance, you're looking for someone to watch over your children for a couple of hours during your daily errands, long-term daycare might not be the best option. Family or friends or a babysitter, or occasional care centres could be the best choice. However, If you're looking to offer early education for your children, the long-term daycare option or a high-quality family daycare provider could be the better choice.

When you've determined what kind of care best suits your requirements, you're ready to choose a suitable childcare facility. 

Here are some guidelines on how to select the ideal childcare facility for your child.

Find out what kind of childcare provider you're seeking

There are a variety of childcare options to pick from. Before you start your search, it's essential to select the appropriate type of care for your family's needs. Childcare is classifieds into the following categories:

  • The Long Day Care 
  • Family Day Care
  • Occasional Care
  • OSHC - Out of School Hours Care
  • Informal care via friends & family
  • Nanny Service
  • Au Pair

Type of Education and Philosophy

The child care industry has grown significantly in the course of the course.

Childcare provides not just the care of children. Still, high-quality early learning programs and education, with many of them offering specific educational concepts like Montessori and Reggio Emilia inspired programs. Whatever you decide to choose, consider the best option for your family and your child and, more particularly, is the centre's philosophy fit with your beliefs about parenting?

The location of the childcare center

With your ever-changing schedules at work and in life, consider the place of the childcare center, which is most convenient for your needs. Are they near your home or workplace? What impact will this have on your routine in the morning and afternoon? Are you able to reach the center on time to collect your child? Although this may sound crucial to consider because many centres are liable for hefty penalties for late pickups.

Availability & Waiting List

The availability of childcare can be an issue, and being admitted into a particular center you have wanted to attend is planning. We've heard about centers with lengthy waitlists of as long as three years. So leaving your search until the last minute and hoping that a space is available to you will result in you being dissatisfied and frustrated. We strongly suggest registering your details with the preferred childcare provider as soon as you can.

If your child is placed on several waiting lists could be costly since certain services charge an administration fee, so you need to be aware of this. Also, inquire whether the fee can be refunded if you enroll your child in the center.

Childcare Costs

Children's care costs can consume an enormous part of the household's expenses, and it's not surprising that careful consideration of costs is necessary.

Costs vary widely in terms of services and locations. The lowest cost isn't always most affordable or the highest always priced the most efficient. It would be best if you balanced with the cost of the service that the childcare center offers and whether you are satisfied with the overall experience at the center. Be sure to consider the inclusions that make up the fee per day since expenses can quickly go up if you must purchase your food, nappies, or other items.

Don't forget that the government offers childcare subsidies. While many say it's not covering enough for childcare costs, however, any assistance could go a long way. Are you aware of the rebates you're entitled to? Are there any hidden or additional charges?

Licencing and Registration

The National Quality Framework requires that childcare providers be registered. We strongly advise you to only employ a licensed and registered childcare facility within your state. 

National Quality Standards (NQS) Rating

Each center is evaluated by a set of standards, referred to by The National Quality Standards, and it is required that the ratings be publically displayed. It is a rigorous evaluation procedure that scores each service on seven quality categories, all specifically designed to be an indicator of quality education and support for services.

Size of Childcare Centre

Child care services are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. Family Daycare facilities are designed to cater to small groups of children in the caregiver's home, whereas long daycare centers differ in size from 20 children to over 200. Whatever centre you choose, ensure that the facility is well-equipped to meet the needs of the children they care for. National Quality Framework stipulates certain conditions for centres based on the amount of space in the center. Still, as an adult, you must be comfortable with the kind and quality of care offered. 

Sometimes, your child may get an impression that tells you whether they're happy in the centre or not. We suggest you go and look them up. Find out what you feel about them and how your child adjusts to different types of centres.


It could appear easy and simple; however, cleanliness plays a crucial role in choosing the best childcare center. What is the condition of the childcare center look like? Are they clean and fresh, or is it dirty, tired and worn down? What are the procedures for hygiene such as? Do the employees appear well-groomed and professionally dressed?


Children's care is supposed to be an area of happiness and enjoyment while creating an educational environment that helps nurture and educate our children. What's the general atmosphere in the childcare center? Do the children seem content? What is their interaction with other children and the staff? Do you get a positive feeling from the centre? And does it feel welcoming?

Ratio of staff

The minimum number of employees who care for children is determined through the National Quality Framework and associated laws, with specific guidelines for every state. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules and ensure you are satisfied with the number of employees who care for your child. Some childcare centres go over and above the minimum requirements, not just in the ratio of staff but also in the quality of experience held by the educators. It is a good idea to discuss the matter with the director of the centre.

Things to consider:

  • How many teachers will take care of your child?
  • What is the staff at the centre's turnover?
  • Are the staffing rosters is it consistent?

Don't forget to request to meet with the teachers who will take care of your baby.

Food, Nutrition and Meal Options

The childcare center must offer a nutritious, balanced, and balanced food menu for your kids. We recommend you pick up some menus samples from the centre, and ensure that you are satisfied with the food options offered.

Kids are often fussy eaters, so be sure to check what you can do to help the centre. Some centers allow your food items for your kids, while others have strict guidelines on what items can and can't be brought into the centre.

If your child has dietary restrictions, inform the centre ahead of time and inquire what they can provide for your child's requirements.

Friendliness, Professionalism & Communication

When you leave your child in the care of another person can be stressful, and you might need to know what your child is up to during the day.

From feeding times to learning and play, being aware of your child's development is vital, and you should consider how the centre communicates to you. How professional and friendly are the staff?

They will be taking care of your child, which is why it is important to ensure that you feel comfortable around them.

We have had the pleasure of meeting some incredible friendly, warm, welcoming, and honest staff. They become an integral part of our family. Be certain to meet the teachers at the center for childcare.

Things to consider:

  • What information is shared between parents and educators?
  • What tools do you use to report your child's performance at the center?
  • How often do we communicate this?
  • What kind of feedback do you have to give and how can it incorporate into the growth of your child's education?

Reputation, Parent Reviews & Word-of-Mouth

Parents are talking! In the case of childcare, parents will often talk about their experiences with others. It can be beneficial, but it should not be relied on as the sole source. What you value most might not be relevant to someone else, and the experiences and expectations may differ. Kids will also adapt to different places differently, so keep the above in mind while choosing the childcare center you want to use.

Take a look at testimonials and reviews. However, you must visit the center and decide for yourself.


Child care centres have seen a significant improvement in the past decade, with some fantastic facilities opening. From beautifully designed structures, rooms and play spaces and equipment for playing that makes the child inside us want to get out and play.

However, the fact that you can have an architecturally designed child care center doesn't mean it's the most appealing. There are many older or smaller centers with fantastic facilities and an innovative design that incorporates the elements of exploration, learning and play. The most important thing to do is consider how the facilities aid in learning and provide care of your kids and if they offer a fun and safe space.

Things to consider:

  • What do physical facilities look like?
  • Are the play areas big enough?
  • Are enough play spaces and toys to accommodate the number of youngsters?
  • Does the area provide a safe environment that children can play in and play in?

Follow your instincts

Always trust your gut. It doesn't matter what the facility is or how amazing the staff is or if they have available spaces, or the price isn't too high. Be awed by your intuition, and if it tells you to continue looking, take action.

Do your research. Look into a range of childcare centers before making your decision. Check out the internet, look up the centers, then call them and talk to the director. Review the reviews of parents and select those you are attracted to and visit the centres. A few may offer you a trial for a few hours or so.


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